Saturday, October 17, 2009


We, the students of Memphis College of Art, do establish representative government for the purpose of improving the general welfare for each student; encouraging and facilitating communication between students, faculty, and administration; and representing, the student body on school concerns:

Article 1: Name of the Organization

The name of this organization shall be the Student Alliance (SA) of Memphis College of Art

Article 2: Structure of the Organization

Section 1: The SA will be governed by the Executive Council, which will consist of members both nominated and elected by the student body. The elected Executive Council will choose a faculty advisor of the SA. The director of Student Life and faculty advisor will act as advisors for the Executive Council.

Section 2: The Executive Council will consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Gallery Representative, and one elected representative from each major area of study: Graphic Design, Illustration, Printmaking, Painting, Sculpture, Photography, Digital Media Animation, Digital Media Film, and the MFA/MA-MAT programs, in addition two members will be elected from the freshman class within the first month of the fall term; one shall be a resident of MCA's campus housing.

Article 3: Powers and Duties

Section 1: The executive Council will represent the student body on issues concerning general student welfare before the faculty, staff and administration of Memphis College of Art.

Section 2: The Executive Council will provide regular communications to the student body on issues and information concerning general student welfare.

Section 3: The Executive Council will sponsors various activities, including participation in student orientation.

Section 4: The Executive Council will conduct an election in the spring semester for the following year. Prospective members will be nominated of the and voted for the SA. To be eligible to run for President, one must have held a position in SA for at lest one semester.

Article 4: Executive Council Responsibilities

Section 1: All representative are required to attend SA meeting and functions on a regular basis to the attention of the Executive Council any concerns from students, and voting on said issues. All votes are to be decided on a majority basis.

Section 2: The President of the SA is the liaison and from the SA, administration, faculty, presiding at and conduction all meetings. The President in the event of his/her absence.

Section 3: The Vice President of the SA is responsible for the arrangement of all meetings, assisting the President, and acting in place of the President in the event of his/her absence.

Section 4: The Secretary of the SA is responsible for the meeting agenda, keeping minutes of all meetings, posting minutes for the SA, being aware of SA plans and keeping the Sa informed of upcoming events.

Section 5: The Treasurer of the SA is responsible maintaining and giving reports of all financial transactions of the Executive Council for the Student Alliance and for releasing the books for audit, semiannually, during the term to the Director of Student Life.

Section 6: The Gallery Representative is responsible for working with the Faculty Gallery Manager on the Brode Gallery and the shows exhibited there.

Section 7: Two members of the Executive Council will be responsible for serving on the Judicial review Board. Members will be selected at the start of the fall term.

Section 8: All Executive Council members are expected to meet regular or as needed with their department head, once per week with the Executive Council in an open meting, as needed in business meetings, and once a month with the President of the College.

Section 9: All Executive Council members are responsible for attending all meetings on a regular basis. Members must notify the Vice President of their anticipated absence prior to a meeting. Three unexcused absences may result on termination of a representative's tenure.

Section 10: After the collection of initial fund, the Executive Council shall draw a budget, and present it to the membership for vote.

Article 5: Funding

Section 1: The SA budget consists of thirty (30) percent of the student activity fees, all income from SA fund-raising, and any finds left over from the previous budget.

Section 2: Money appropriated to the budget will be used for activities, special scholarships, gifts to the College, and the general good of the student body. All monies over $50 spent will be approved by majority vote of the membership ann all spent monies will be fully accounted for by the Treasure of the Executive Council.

Section 3: Checks issued by the Treasurer must be certified with the signature of the Treasurer or the President and the Director of Student Life or VP for Enrollment and Student Services.

Article 6: Criteria for Membership

Section 1: All student s enrolled full-time or part-time in graduate or undergraduate classes are considered members the SA of MCA and are encouraged to give input to their representatives an to attend meetings. Voting on the issues of the SA in reserved for those who are at the attended meeting.

Section 2: All members of the Executive Council must hold a minimum of 2.50 GPA and must continuously maintain a cumulative GPA f 2.50 or higher during their term of office. In any member of the Executive office fails the remainder off the term, with the possibility for appeal to the Executive Council for extenuating circumstances. This appeal must be made within two weeks of the beginning of the next term, and its outcome will be determined by consensus.

Article 7: Election Procedures

Section 1: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Gallery Representative are nominated and then voted on by the student body. The elected board will then request a faculty member (of their choice) to serve as their Faculty Advisor.

Section 2: Elections will be held at the end of the spring semester. Two people, one MCA staff and one Student Alliance member will be present when votes are made and counted. The elected officers will begin their terms during the semester. They will hold office until the end of the following spring semester.

Article 8: Terms of Office

Section 1: Students can serve as many terms as elected as long as them meet the membership criteria.

Section 2: All pertinent Executive Council materials will be relinquished at the end of the tern to the new officers of the Executive Council, or the Director of Student Life.

Section 3: To resign, a written copy of the resignation must be given to the President of the Student Alliance at least two weeks prior to the resignation. Upon resignation, all pertinent materials will be turned over to the Executive Council or the Director of Student Life.

Section 4: Impeachment of a Council member is carried out by the Executive Council. If the impeachment of any Council member is contested, then other members of the SA council must petition for the impeachment of a particular member. The petition must be given to the President of the Student Alliance in writing, and must contain the signatures of at least seventy (70) percent of the elected Executive Council. In the event of the requested impeachment of the President, petitions are to be given to the Vice President. Voluntary resignations that are not contested do not require petitions.

Section 5: Impeachment petitions given to the Executive Council will be processed in a two-week period. At the close of two weeks, an impeachment meeting will be held. All members of the Executive Council, including the impeachable member and one student to represent those who signed the petition will be present. A majority vote of the Executive Council members will decide the outcome and appropriate action will be taken. The President will not vote, unless needed for a tie breaker.

Section 6: If the President is being impeached, then the Vice President will be responsible for the outlined duties.

Article 10: Financial Support of Outside Groups, Clubs or Individuals

Section 1: The SA recognizes the needs of students to form their own groups, clubs or unions, and supports this right. Any group wishing to receive SA financial support, in the form of an allocated budget taken from the general SA budget, must submit a written request for recognition previously approved by the Office of Student Services. This request must include a statement of intent, as well a projected organizational structure and budget outline. This must be given to a member of the Executive Council, who will distribute or present this material to the general membership at the next meeting. The Council will vote to recognize and offer financial support to this group or club, and report within two weeks to a representative of that group.

Section 2: At the beginning of the Fall term, the new Council will designate a specific amount of the budget for the support of outside groups or clubs. This amount is to be apportioned equally to any qualifying group that has presented appropriate organizational materials.